Press Release

The Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values at MIT (“The Center at MIT”) is pleased to announce a new partnership with the One Step Forward Education Foundation. One Step recently announced a multi-year pledge in support of the work of The Center at MIT to change the lives of young people all over the globe through its Young Peace Leaders initiative. The Foundation, located in Boston, was created through the vision of Julia Casady, an educator and mother of four with an unwavering belief in the power of education to transform the lives of children and young adults.  Its mission is to aid this transformation by supporting the development of innovative educational programs around the world. After witnessing the exciting and innovative first steps of the Young Peace Leaders initiative in April 2013, and having heard the dynamic voice of the Center’s founder, The Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi, Casady realized the close alignment between the missions of the two organizations.

“Our shared vision will allow us to positively impact many children and hopefully make the world a better place for peace.” -Julia & Mark Casady

Julia Casady explained her interest in supporting the program. “Connecting with this age group of 10 to 14 year olds can be very challenging. When value-based lessons have to compete for attention with an endless number of options for instant entertainment, we need to be extremely innovative in finding and creating media that will not only attract a child’s attention, but will also catalyze personal development. The work at the Dalai Lama Center at MIT is addressing exactly this challenge. We are very excited to provide support for the program, and look forward to seeing the program reach a wide audience.” Speaking of the new partnership, Mark Casady said, “Our shared vision will allow us to positively impact many children and hopefully make the world a better place for peace.”

“On behalf of The Center at MIT, I am grateful to Julia and Mark Casady for investing in creative and leadership potential of the future generation,” said The Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi, “the transformative work of nurturing and educating a new generation of young leaders can only be made possible through such collaborative efforts.”

Young Peace Leaders is a trans-media initiative focused on developing innovative programs that promote a collaborative learning environment through interactive social platforms.

About the Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values at MIT

The Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values at MIT is dedicated to inquiry, dialogue, and education on the ethical and humane dimensions of life. As a collaborative and nonpartisan think tank, the Center focuses on the development of interdisciplinary research and programs in varied fields of knowledge, from science and technology to education and international relations. Our programs emphasize responsibility and examine meaningfulness and moral purpose between individuals, organizations, and societies. The Center was founded to honor the vision of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama and his call for a holistic education that includes the development of human and global ethics.

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