The Center is built on the principles of interdisciplinary collaboration and will engage with some of the most challenging issues that beckon humanity. Our partners excel in what they do and by working together through this collaborative platform The Center will become a powerful engine of ideas and innovation.
"I believe the world has never had greater need for the kind of innovative, multi-disciplinary problem-solving at which MIT excels. And our students are uniquely qualified to handle today’s most challenging issues, which involve science, technology, quantitative analysis, and complex synthesis. Keeping MIT a powerful engine of discovery and innovation is an investment in our future."
Collaborations at MIT (Partial Listing):
- Brain and Cognitive Science
- Center for Reflective Community Practice-Urban Studies and Planning
- Dean for Student Life
- Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity
- Leadership Programs
- Media Lab
- MIT Health and Wellness
- MIT Office of the Arts
- MIT Public Service Center
- MIT Sloan School of Management
- Program on Science, Technology, and Society
- Teaching and Learning Lab
- Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
- EBC, Mexico
- The EURO Working Group on Ethics and OR (Operational Research), Brussels, Belgium, EU
- The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, School of Medicine, Stanford University, USA
Click here to see a more complete list of supporters and partners.