Date(s) - 03/20/2014
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

MIT Media Lab, Bartos Theater

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Click here for more information and to register.
Course coordinators: Pattie Maes & Tinsley Galyean
With help from: Rosalind Picard and Kevin Slavin
Teaching assistant: Karthik Dinakar
Offered through MIT Media Lab
This course will focus of tools and technologies that support physical, mental or social well-being. A first goal of the course is survey the current understanding in the areas of mental and emotional well-being, social well-being and physical well-being (nutrition, exercise and sleep). A second goal is to take a look at technologies which could help promote well-being including quantified self technologies, games for health, on-body and ingestible sensors, wearable technologies and augmented human technologies. Last but not least, a goal of the course is for students to design and implement original projects in the area of technologies for well-being (in small groups). The majority of class meetings will consist of talks by invited speakers from a wide variety of backgrounds.
Students will be asked to comment on the talks and readings. Students will be asked to study some area of research and present a critical overview in class. Finally, students will be expected to design and implement a major project in a small group.